If you are looking for a specific item and can’t find it in our website, have any question or just need some advice, feel free to get in touch with us through the various means we have made available in this page.
Quartier Latin has a vast network of partners that provides with the conviction we can find exactly what you are looking for.
We will try to make your online shopping experience easy, pleasant and safe in every possible way.
Loja Quartier Latin
Rua Pedro Homem de Melo, 410
4150 – 598 Porto
Opening Hours
Monday: 3:30pm » 7:30pm
Tuesday to Friday: 10:30am » 1pm | 3pm » 7:30pm
Saturday: 10:30am » 1pm | 3pm » 7pm
Sunday: Closed
+351 936 543 515 national mobile network
+351 220 926 625 national fixed network
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We will answer as soon as possible.
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